I hope you had a great weekend and are enjoying your start to a new month! Summer is almost here and I'm so ready to take off to the beach, start swimming, and get some outdoor projects done while the days are longer!
Today's post is long over due. Back in
February, I went to a friend's birthday weekend at the most fabulous hunting
camp I've ever seen. We boiled king crab, drank wine, the men smoked
cigars, and the kids played outside in the bounce house while I gawked and
drooled over the interior of this place! It was basically like living
inside a Fall Pottery Barn catalogue for a few days! On the last night we
had a big birthday dinner for our friend and the wives wanted to do something
special for the table. We wanted it to look like a table set for a
hunting camp but still elegant since we were celebrating a special occasion.
There were PLENTY of resources to pull from as everywhere you looked
there were cool vases and accessories! We tried to bring the outdoors in by using fresh flowers, deer sheds, turkey feathers, and burlap. This is what we came up with...
Many stories were told and
memories were made around this table!
It was a great weekend with
friends that I hope we will do again soon!
Well that's all for today.
See you back here soon with my newest project I can't wait to share!