
Saturday, August 29, 2015

Pre-Fall Part 1

Good morning everyone!

I hope you are getting a glimpse of Fall like we are!!!!!!!  This is the third day in a row that we've had very low humidity, a nice cool breeze, AND lower temperatures that last throughout the day!  It's been so nice! 

Ok so, don't laugh, but I've had my Fall decor down from the attic for over a week now because I knew that I wanted to give myself enough time to paint all of my faux pumpkins with Chalk Paint this year!  Some of them had already been spray painted white from years past but this year I found THE PERFECT neutral pumpkin color....Country Gray by Annie Sloan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It looks JUST like a white pumpkin that you would buy at the grocery store or pumpkin patch!  

I bought all of my faux pumpkins and squashes from Hobby Lobby on clearance at the end of Fall over the past few seasons.  Over the weekend I painted them all with Country Gray chalk paint and LOVE how they turned out!  

Due to the gorgeous Fall weather, I decided to go ahead and make a "pre-Fall" arrangement for our kitchen table since we eat dinner there every night of the week and frankly, I'm just sick of staring at all of my decorations in boxes and waiting for the "appropriate time" to put them out.  Forget that!  So I decided to start putting my Fall decorations out but add some "end of summer" touches to sort of ease us into Fall.   

I love the term "pre-Fall" because it accurately describes what's going on right now.  We still have a few summer flowers left on our bushes and trees that are going to die soon, so we may as well clip them and use them to make beautiful arrangements! The best part is, they are free!

To incorporate a little Fall with the last of our summer flowers, I took one of my faux pumpkins and turned it into a vase to make a "backyard bouquet"... 

After the chalk paint dried, I pulled the stem off the top of the pumpkin.  (If you try this at home, you may have to cut the stem off with a knife depending on what material your pumpkin is made of but mine just pulled right off!)  It left the perfect hole to stick flowers through because it wasn't too wide and could hold the flowers in place...

Then I cut down some light pinkish-purple crepe myrtles from a tree and put them in the hole where the stem use to be on the pumpkin.  Then I took a glass of water (you may also use a small vase) and placed the stems of the flowers in the water via a hole on the other side of the pumpkin....

Sidenote*-this faux pumpkin came with a pre-made hole in the bottom from Hobby Lobby.  If you can't find a pumpkin with a hole already in it, cutting a hole would not be hard if you have the right knife.  Placing a vase with water under the pumpkin will keep your flowers alive for much longer!

And TADA!  A beautiful pre-Fall centerpiece for our dinner table...   

plates-Pottery Barn
wicker chargers-Stone Creek Club & Spa Gift Shop (Royal Standard brand)

Now I can change these flowers out throughout the Fall but keep the pumpkin as the vase.  I plan to put branches with leaves in the middle as soon as the trees start changing colors.  CAN'T WAIT FOR THAT!!!

If you are in the mood to create some flower arrangements for your home or plan to order flowers for someone you love, check out BloomNation , an online platform for flower delivery.  For additional inspiration you can look through their Home Inspiration Pinterest BoardInstagram, or blog.  I love referring to their photos for great ideas that are easy to execute!

Well that's it for today.  Hope you have a great day!  I'll have another Pre-Fall arrangement for you tomorrow!  

Remember, when life hands you lemons, turn them into something lovely!

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